Tuesday, May 28, 2013

filling the water tower at Seven Feathrrs Farm

Pump the water from duck pond to garden and then filled the tower from a previous emptying.

Monday, May 27, 2013

tine for the tightening sequence

Farmer who has donned mechanic underwear puts the final touch

The tension builds as the farmer who has donned mechanic underwear puts the final touch on the engine rebuild.
Resets a few things jury ribs the trans cable as the clip wouldn't stay on the throttle body. anticipation as I reset the different control modules.
It's now time to start the engine and allow it to idle for a few minutes while the computer set some things.
Engine starts right away....a good sign.....I have to walk away as my patience isn't very strong at the moment.
OK time for the real test, take it out and see how it shifts.......Success....around the block things felt good and also the trip on the fast road went great.....the shift is a smooth as a baby's butt and there is no funky downshift at the 45 or so range.
Will take it out in the morning and make surte it wasn't a dream....:)

Going back togethet

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Improvising at the farm .....grill ran out of gas ....cooking on th he broiler in the oven.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Finally got the frontend off Big Blue.
Will post updates to the trailer build.